Sam Tsui vs Mike Tompkins

Kemaren iseng2 nge Youtube nemu youtube guy baru, Mike Tompkins.

dia ngecover beberapa lagu pake accapella. agak beda sama sam Tsui & kurt hugo yang pake alat musik.

Sekarang mari kita bandingkanā€¦.. *ngebandingin lagu yang sama2 dinyanyiin, so kepilihlah fireflies nya owl cityā€

Ini video Sam Tsui

Kalo yang ini Mike Tompkins


Mari kita mulai bandingin


They Face

Both of them are handsome. But I think mike more handsome than sam. Maybe itā€™s objective. But, Mike also has cute expression. In other hand, I think Sam give too much expression. hehe. sorry Sam, but +1 for Mike


Concept of their video

Well, I vote Mike again. I think he has brilliant concept, because he not only show about his voice, but also exhibit ā€˜little meaningsā€™ lyrics of that song. Sam like imagine his self as singer in the concert. too over sam. Overall, both of them also show many duplicate of them in this video.


Music Performance

Mike cover this song without music or acapella cover and beat box. So, he got the point again.because sam used some kind of music. Mikeā€™s video more interesting than Samā€™s. 3-0 for Mike



Sam has a lot of video, I think he always practices because his voice soft and clear. So, for this criteria, I vote sam



3-1 for Mike.

But Sam, always be my idol. Keep post your video guys. I love you all

Battle of ā€œProduce Unique Soundā€

Recently, I always ā€˜surfingā€™ into Youtube to see a lot of video (especially video of cover a popular song).

when I visited Kurt Hugo Scheneider channel, I found this videoā€¦.


I think, Itā€™s very interesting video. He produced unique sound for classical Pachebelā€™s Canon. He said that he has a battle with Jake. I thought they are bestfriend, which love music and make video.Absolutely theyā€™re creative.

I donā€™t know when it began. But, I will show many video about produced and covered a song with unique sound


From Kurt Hugo Scheneider

From Jake


Look, thereā€™re amazing right?

Sam Tsuiā€“Kurt Hugo, Youtube Artist. I adore them!

Hai. Long time no see with this blog hehe

Now, I want to introduce Youtube Artists. One of Youtube Artist which I adore are Sam Tsui and Kurt Hugo Scheneider. They always make a cover of many songs. Not only doing that, that also making a film.

I found them first when I search about Glee ( a high school serial from Fox TV ā€“ maybe I will write about this next time).

You can follow their another social networks account :



One of the most video which I liked is


I love this video because he can mash up ( I thought that they inspired by  one episode on GLEE) 3 songs, and 2 of the songs is my favourite song. They are Love the way you lie and Teenage Dream. Another song, Dynamite ( Taio Cruz) was mash up and personally, I feel Sam Tsui totally make Dynamite became a great song.



Beside cover many songs, they ( especially Kurt Hugo) also make a wonderful sounds. That video above exhibit Pachebelā€™s Canon which came from cellphone. When it flip flop, when it alerts, texting, and another activity using cell phone could make a amazing Pachelbelā€™s Canon!WOW youā€™re totally Genius!

Finally, You must listen to them too!