Rame(n)ian Palembang

I wanna share about Ramen in Palembang city. Well,i love culinary and try some interesting places. Now i just review those places.

1. Wagyu Beef Ramen @Nobu Bistro,  Jalan Sumpah PemudaImage Palembang

Price : ±50.000IDR
Quality : ★★★★☆
Comment :
This is the best ramen in this city, i think. Right size of ramen,delicious beef wagyu,and they put nori plus the chilli sauce is well too.
Price pays quality,right?
Recommended but it’s so small so i need sushi to make my stomach full.

2. Ramen (Many variants) @ DaiichiRamen, Jalan Radial – in front of ex.SPBU/Gas Station

Price : ±20000IDR
Quality : ★★★☆☆
Comment :
I would come to this stall if i want ramen so much but i don’t have few money.hahaha.

Picture shows 2 kinds of ramen (the left is ramen with octopus and tom yam curry, right side is ramen with chicken/beef i forgot and chicken curry)
Right size of ramen,big bowl and absolutely big size ;),tasty sauce,handsome owners(oh no no,just kidding),and they played recent music.But, sometimes they change vegetables(‘kangkung’,’sawi’),no nori.

Recommended if you eat ramen and drink Thai Ice Tea.

3. Korean Beef Bulgogi Ramen @ De Dapoer, Jalan Mayor Ruslan

Price : ±29000IDR
Quality : ★★★☆☆
Comment :
This restaurant is very nice,maybe because it is a part of Home Inn Hotel Palembang. Size of Ramen is so small,so i thought (until now) it’s not ramen but Indomie.
But i love the bulgogi and the sauce plus they put mushroom (and i don’t know the name).Altough other Palembang People say it’s ‘abal-abal’ Korean food,but i feel this ramen tasty.

Enjoy 🙂

Sekolah Kertas Putih, Kampung Kapiten, Palembang


Hai, ini adik-adik Sekolah Kertas Putih di Kampung Kapiten. Sekolah ini merupakan ide dari salah seorang temen SMA saya,yangie dan teman SMP Yangie,Revie. Saya sendiri mencoba ikut sebagai relawan.baru dua kali.


Yang mau jadi relawan, mari-mari kita berkumpul di pelataran Benteng Kuto Besak (BKB) dekat pangkalan ketek (perahu kecil) setiap Sabtu jam 4 dan Minggu jam 10.

Kami bercerita tentang Indonesia di hari pertama dan kedua. Kami juga bermain bersama adik-adik ini.

Semangat belajar adik-adik.
Semangat menebar ilmu dan kebaikan untuk saya.


Morning view @ Arista Hotel Palembang


Morning.It’s my first post on this blog. Well,i try to write again. Yesterday i accompanied my high school friend who works at Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) and did some jobs in Palembang. Well, it’s a loooooong time no see each others. I met her and my other high school friend who internship at Pertamina’s Hospital Plaju. We slept at Arista Hotel Palembang, Angkatan 45 (POM) Palembang. Nice hotel,absolutely,4 stars hotel. And look at the view.i never see like this in this city. KATROK,maybe people can say that to me.Because,more than one year here i just come to office and see plantations from my desk. Foggy morning,warm.