Rame(n)ian Palembang

I wanna share about Ramen in Palembang city. Well,i love culinary and try some interesting places. Now i just review those places.

1. Wagyu Beef Ramen @Nobu Bistro,  Jalan Sumpah PemudaImage Palembang

Price : ±50.000IDR
Quality : ★★★★☆
Comment :
This is the best ramen in this city, i think. Right size of ramen,delicious beef wagyu,and they put nori plus the chilli sauce is well too.
Price pays quality,right?
Recommended but it’s so small so i need sushi to make my stomach full.

2. Ramen (Many variants) @ DaiichiRamen, Jalan Radial – in front of ex.SPBU/Gas Station

Price : ±20000IDR
Quality : ★★★☆☆
Comment :
I would come to this stall if i want ramen so much but i don’t have few money.hahaha.

Picture shows 2 kinds of ramen (the left is ramen with octopus and tom yam curry, right side is ramen with chicken/beef i forgot and chicken curry)
Right size of ramen,big bowl and absolutely big size ;),tasty sauce,handsome owners(oh no no,just kidding),and they played recent music.But, sometimes they change vegetables(‘kangkung’,’sawi’),no nori.

Recommended if you eat ramen and drink Thai Ice Tea.

3. Korean Beef Bulgogi Ramen @ De Dapoer, Jalan Mayor Ruslan

Price : ±29000IDR
Quality : ★★★☆☆
Comment :
This restaurant is very nice,maybe because it is a part of Home Inn Hotel Palembang. Size of Ramen is so small,so i thought (until now) it’s not ramen but Indomie.
But i love the bulgogi and the sauce plus they put mushroom (and i don’t know the name).Altough other Palembang People say it’s ‘abal-abal’ Korean food,but i feel this ramen tasty.

Enjoy 🙂

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