Justin Bieber, Sensational!

Justin Bieber, Sensational Singer!


Popular @Youtube,Twitter and another Social Networking Site

He became popular coz he uploaded his video on Youtube.I think, if you have talent, can entertaint another people, you just upload ur video, waiting, and then a popular person like artist will come to you. Like Justin, after he uploaded the video, many producer offered contract to record and make album.

At least, he has a good voice and his song was simple and easy listening. His genre of music is Pop Dance. Sometimes many people said his genre is Pop and RnB.

His popular songs are

One Time


I like this song, because of the lyrics

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart

a litte romantic, right?

Never Let You Go


FYI, his songs (One Time, One Less Lonely Girl, Love Me, dan Favorite Girl) from 1st album (My World) become  a popular song, and include to 40 Billboard Favorite Songs.

He’s 16 years old and his face still cute and handsome. Many people, especially girls become fans of him. Like me absolutely. I like Justin Bieber because of his face, his songs, and his dance. But, the other side, many boys hate him very much. I don’t know why.

This conflict made Justin Bieber being popular in Twitter, Facebook, and many forums like Indonesia Biggest Forum, Kaskus.us. Many people fight about Justin in Twitter and made him Trending Topic in this microblogging site more than a week. As you know, Trending Topic in Twitter means many Tweeps (user Twitter) say about something. So, it means Justin Bieber became populer because his fans and some hater of him in Twitter.

Finally, Sensational boy like him must come to Indonesia.awww.I heart Justin Bieber.Let’s listen his albums (my world 2.0)



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