iFace IT Telkom, mini Facebook at IT Campus

bismillah,i’ll try to write in English.

I think most people in this world know about facebook, a greatest social networking website now.

Now, i’ll introduce about new social networking website, an informatics lecturer in my campus has build this awesome site.

I think, based on facebook activity, Mr.Yanuar Firdaus build this site. We can update our status, comments to another status, poke someone. I think if you want share your narcism you can join iFace and become popular in our campus. LOL

The different between the other social networking, now iFace just for IT Telkom’s Lecturer, Employees, and Students. iFace’s user can do many activity just from their phone too. We just sent a message (with the format) and then our status (for example) uptade to the site. Not only from the phone, we can login from the webstie and posting too.

I’ve join iFace.I don’t try to be popular absolutely, i just wanna try a new creativity from the lecturer. Nice try Mr.YFA.


wanna try too?



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